Geert Wilders new prime minister?
Who will be the new prime minister, Geert Wilders or Mark Rutte again after all? The PVV was the largest party in the Netherlands for a long time in 2016, according to political polls. Yet now - with an eye on the approaching elections - the party seems to be losing some seats again. The VVD - which until a few months ago was clearly losing out to the PVV - is actually gaining seats again, according to the polls.
And where do the two gentlemen stand according to the tarot cards? Nathalie Kriek - who previously predicted Trump would win - is looking into this question.
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Geert Wilders
Right now, Wilders is terribly worried. Although he felt top fit until recently, he is sleeping badly and is under a lot of stress. Although he usually comes across as very confident, I currently detect some anxiety in him. How to proceed now? How can the current problems be resolved?
How did certain things happen in the first place? There's a lot going on at the moment (including the security issue) and to get everything (back) on track, various issues will have to be addressed one by one. After all, everything at once is not going to work; it really has to be done step by step. Difficult, but certainly not impossible.
Wilders himself expects even more people around him not to be trusted. He will isolate himself even more and will have more and more difficulty confiding in other people; increasingly wondering whether they are lying, wearing a mask or trying to take advantage of him. At the same time, he wants to remain in control himself and certainly does not want to relinquish control. Either way, the situation keeps him pretty much in control.
Although Geert Wilders is seen by many as a danger to society, it will turn out that he also has a surprising number of supporters who not only see in him a good prime minister, but actually grant him this title.
They expect Wilders to deliver on his promises. They will therefore openly pay their respects to him, hoping that Wilders will be willing to listen to them and give them what they want. He needs them, they need him. On this basis, there will be widespread voting for Wilders.
Mark Rutte
And where does Mark Rutte currently stand? Rutte is preparing for a big change. He is aware that he will have to do many things differently than in previous years in order to have another chance of becoming prime minister. Showing even more initiative, more guts, less acceptance, more decisiveness.
Rutte himself expects that he will be able to receive many compliments for the VVD's new election programme and that it will also enable him to win more seats for his party.
And so it is. Rutte will be able to secure a lot of votes for the VVD again and the prime ministerial office therefore beckons (again). Rutte enjoyed his job immensely over the past eight years and has no intention of letting this go.
Indeed, he will take a harder line to ensure that the people will respect, trust and appreciate him more. Apparently, he has realised that, as prime minister, you cannot be friends with everyone, nor should you want to be. Rutte will surprise friend and foe alike with his renewed approach and image during the debates.
Yet it will be to no avail. Rutte seems to have lost his chances anyway with too much spin in the past and will not be re-elected as prime minister for this reason. Therefore, the change I see in the cards for him will not involve new duties as prime minister, but new work that he will do more outside the spotlight. Nevertheless, Rutte will continue to enjoy his work even in the background.
Based on this tarot reading, I predict that Geert Wilders will become the new prime minister of the Netherlands.
Nathalie Kriek
Retrieved 25-02-2017
Winner loses, loser wins
Source: Breakthrough BE
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