Rare tarot cards

collectors' items & other catches

Rare tarot cards, vintage Lenormand and oracle games for sale

buy tarot cards

Rare tarot cards, vintage Lenormand cards and special oracle games can be found here.

While cleaning up my 'cabinet with all the answers' I came across several card decks and oracle games that now appear to be very rare.

Since I never use these cards and I am struggling with lack of space, I have decided to sell part of my tarot collection.

If you see something you would like, please send me a message via:

Then I will keep the cards for you immediately. Of each tarot deck I offer for sale, I only have one in my possession so you understand: first come, first served.


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Rare tarot cards for sale

Guardians of Wisdom, 2000

Guardians of Wisdom, 2000

Guardians of Wisdom, Universal Powercards. By Amy Ledbetter and Todd Hersey. Own edition.


Ancien Tarot de Marseille, 1981

Ancien Tarot de Marseille, Cartomancie Grimaud.


The Golden DawnTarot, 1978

The Golden Dawn tarot, U.S Games Systems.


Universal Waite paperback, 1990

Universal Waite, pocket edition. Koppenhol Publishing.

Aquarian Tarot, 1970

Aquarian Tarot, 1970

Aquarian Tarot, U.S Games Systems.

Gypsy Tarot, 1982

Gypsy Tarot, 1982

Gypsy Tarot, Walter Wegmüller.

Dream Inspirational Cards, 2005

Dream Inspirational Cards, 2005

Dream Inspirational Cards/ Cartas de los Sueños, Lo Scarabeo.

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