Gained 25 kilos, where did it go wrong?

gained so much

Gained 25 kilos, where did it go wrong? I almost dare not say. I weigh more these days than when I was heavily pregnant with my third child. Much more! I could make a very long story out of it, but let me keep it short. I don't need to spend that many words on it.

It all started when I started my home-based practice and also set up a production company. Before then, I worked at a primary school where I went to every day by bike.

Half an hour there and half an hour back. Through all weathers. I loved it. After every working day, just pedalling along and clearing my head.

Every day I had my hands full with the children at school. Especially toddlers and upperclassmen. I went from one classroom to another. One child needed help with maths, another with reading. In between, I gave computer lessons and had conversations with children who just wanted to let their hair down.

A wonderfully varied and, above all, busy job where there was no time to sit for long periods at a time, let alone snooze your ass off.

2010, slightly overweight for my height, but still always 25 kilos lighter than now

Gained 25 kilos, that's where it went wrong!

Only when I went to work from home I noticed that I am an emo eater. Especially when I had difficult or less fun writing assignments, I was constantly getting up to run to the cupboard for something sweet. And especially something sweet. Fair is fair, the fruit bowl I walked past ten times out of ten.....

This was also immediately the only form of exercise I had left. Otherwise, I spent my days sitting, behind the PC.

Whether it was for distraction, comfort because of the lack of enjoyment of certain work or procrastination (if I eat I don't have to work for a while), I feel it all had to do with it.

When I started writing books too, I stayed up late into the night to work. The night was my best friend. No phone, no doorbell, no children to disturb me. I was going like a train.


I did enjoy writing my books, but as I naturally got tired my body cried out for new energy. Biscuits, cola, liquorice. That helped! I easily worked 80 hours a week. Then I also expanded my practice where, in addition to the fun, sociable clients, I also got a lot of heavy cases shoved on my plate. Not only was it a considerable burden mentally, I was also physically not pulling it all anymore.

The kilos were flying off.

Little sleep, wrong carbs, zero exercise, only now I know what all this can do and why I gained so much weight because of it.

When I finally developed health problems in the form of chest pressure, high blood pressure, excessive glucose levels, ankle oedema, iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency, my eyes opened and I realised that I had been quite predatory on my body.

For years, I had paid more attention to my work than to my health. My business was running like clockwork, but I was burning up fast myself. In three years, I had aged 10 years.

Thicker than ever

After several hospital tests and a few weeks of taking vitamin supplements, I signed up at the gym and started working with a personal trainer.

Within three months, I had lost 10 kilos. I felt fit, looked fresh out of my eyes and had structure and regularity again.

Until disaster struck...

An accident left me with a persistent pneumonia that would not go away. Two courses of antibiotics and an aftermath of more than six months meant I could no longer go to the gym. 

During that very period, I should have been watching my food even more, but instead I fell back into my old habit. Emo eating. Snacking away frustrations. The heavier I got, the more I ate.

Hoppa, 15 kilos added and fatter than ever.

Just when I was at my heaviest, my clients asked me more often to work not only behind the scenes, but also in front of them. Super fun assignments, lovely people, nice atmosphere during filming, just... I could cry when I saw the footage afterwards.

So that.

And now it's done. We are going to start!

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The shot with Geraldine that made me decide enough is enough.

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