Very nice of you to come and take a look at my website. Do you have a moment?
In fact, there is quite a lot to see here and especially if you like hoverless spirituality and are interested in tarot, astrology, dreams and (creative) psychology, you are bound to spend some time here.
At least, I hope so!
Open Card Productions, my company, consists of five departments. I would like to tell you more about them.
- Open Card Productions
- Spriblogger
- VIP Tarot
- VIP Astro
- VIP Dreams
Open Card Productions provides texts for various media. Creative content, astrological content, spiritual or non-spiritual, OKP effortlessly adapts to your target audience. In addition, OKP publishes books in the non-fiction and esoteric genres and it is possible to have your own texts corrected and/or edited.
Spiriblogger blogs lustily about spirituality, tarot, astrology, the human psyche and personal issues. As a company or entrepreneur, you can come here for sponsored blog posts, advertorials or paid links in (already existing) blogs.
VIP Tarot is called VIP because everyone is important with me, getting the attention they deserve. In doing so, my offer stands out from other tarot providers. At VIP Tarot you really will find everything you are looking for in the field of tarot cards. A live tarot chat and/or cam consultation and various tarot courses or private lessons. Even online.
VIP Astro provides all the personal horoscopes you can imagine. You can also come here for an astro consultation or full astro coaching.
VIP Dreams is the place where you can have your dreams explained based on dream psychology. A tarot dream interpretation is also possible. Through the Mystic Dream Tarot, you will receive clear insight and/or advice regarding the meaning of your dream.
For the sake of clarity, you will find direct links to the various departments within this website at the bottom of this page.
I wish you lots of reading -and doing fun!